Error Triage Exercise
Copy the starter code into a new file in Remix.
Debug the existing functions in the provided contract.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
contract ErrorTriageExercise {
* Finds the difference between each uint with it's neighbor (a to b, b to c, etc.)
* and returns a uint array with the absolute integer difference of each pairing.
function diffWithNeighbor(
uint _a,
uint _b,
uint _c,
uint _d
) public pure returns (uint[] memory) {
uint[] memory results = new uint[](3);
results[0] = _a - _b;
results[1] = _b - _c;
results[2] = _c - _d;
return results;
* Changes the _base by the value of _modifier. Base is always >= 1000. Modifiers can be
* between positive and negative 100;
function applyModifier(
uint _base,
int _modifier
) public pure returns (uint) {
return _base + _modifier;
* Pop the last element from the supplied array, and return the popped
* value (unlike the built-in function)
uint[] arr;
function popWithReturn() public returns (uint) {
uint index = arr.length - 1;
delete arr[index];
return arr[index];
// The utility functions below are working as expected
function addToArr(uint _num) public {
function getArr() public view returns (uint[] memory) {
return arr;
function resetArr() public {
delete arr;
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