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Arrays Exercise

Create a contract that adheres to the following specifications.


Review the contract in the starter snippet called ArraysExercise. It contains an array called numbers that is initialized with the numbers 1–10. Copy and paste this into your file.

contract ArraysExercise {
    uint[] public numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];

Add the following functions:

Return a Complete Array

The compiler automatically adds a getter for individual elements in the array, but it does not automatically provide functionality to retrieve the entire array.

Write a function called getNumbers that returns the entire numbers array.

Reset Numbers

Write a public function called resetNumbers that resets the numbers array to its initial value, holding the numbers from 1-10.

Remember, anyone can call a public function! You'll learn how to protect functionality in another lesson.

Append to an Existing Array

Write a function called appendToNumbers that takes a uint[] calldata array called _toAppend, and adds that array to the storage array called numbers, already present in the starter.

Timestamp Saving

At the contract level, add an address array called senders and a uint array called timestamps.

Write a function called saveTimestamp that takes a uint called _unixTimestamp as an argument. When called, it should add the address of the caller to the end of senders and the _unixTimestamp to timestamps.

Timestamp Filtering

Write a function called afterY2K that takes no arguments. When called, it should return two arrays.

The first should return all timestamps that are more recent than January 1, 2000, 12:00am. To save you a click, the Unix timestamp for this date and time is 946702800.

The second should return a list of senders addresses corresponding to those timestamps.


Add public functions called resetSenders and resetTimestamps that reset those storage variables.

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