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Mappings Exercise

Create a contract that adheres to the following specifications.


Create a single contract called FavoriteRecords. It should not inherit from any other contracts. It should have the following properties:

State Variables

The contract should have the following state variables. It is up to you to decide if any supporting variables are useful.

  • A public mapping approvedRecords, which returns true if an album name has been added as described below, and false if it has not
  • A mapping called userFavorites that indexes user addresses to a mapping of string record names which returns true or false, depending if the user has marked that album as a favorite

Loading Approved Albums

Using the method of your choice, load approvedRecords with the following:

  • Thriller
  • Back in Black
  • The Bodyguard
  • The Dark Side of the Moon
  • Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)
  • Hotel California
  • Come On Over
  • Rumours
  • Saturday Night Fever

Get Approved Records

Add a function called getApprovedRecords. This function should return a list of all of the names currently indexed in approvedRecords.

Add Record to Favorites

Create a function called addRecord that accepts an album name as a parameter. If the album is on the approved list, add it to the list under the address of the sender. Otherwise, reject it with a custom error of NotApproved with the submitted name as an argument.

Users' Lists

Write a function called getUserFavorites that retrieves the list of favorites for a provided address memory.

Reset My Favorites

Add a function called resetUserFavorites that resets userFavorites for the sender.

Submit your Contract and Earn an NFT Badge! (BETA)

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