Control Structures Exercise
Create a contract that adheres to the following specifications:
Create a single contract called ControlStructures
. It should not inherit from any other contracts and does not need a constructor. It should have the following functions:
Smart Contract FizzBuzz
Create a function called fizzBuzz
that accepts a uint
called _number
and returns a string memory
. The function should return:
- "Fizz" if the
is divisible by 3 - "Buzz" if the
is divisible by 5 - "FizzBuzz" if the
is divisible by 3 and 5 - "Splat" if none of the above conditions are true
Do Not Disturb
Create a function called doNotDisturb
that accepts a uint
called _time
, and returns a string memory
. It should adhere to the following properties:
- If
is greater than or equal to 2400, trigger apanic
- If
is greater than 2200 or less than 800,revert
with a custom error ofAfterHours
, and include the time provided - If
is between1200
with a string message "At lunch!" - If
is between 800 and 1199, return "Morning!" - If
is between 1300 and 1799, return "Afternoon!" - If
is between 1800 and 2200, return "Evening!"
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