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Onboard any user

In onchain apps, the wallet is at the center of your user model. Onboarding requires users to connect an existing wallet or sign up for a new wallet. The <WalletModal /> component provides a drag-and-drop solution to handle wallet onboarding seamlessly to eliminate friction and churn.

How It Works

The component offers:

  • Smooth onboarding for new users with guided Smart Wallet creation
  • Quick connection for existing wallets
  • Consistent handling of connection states with a responsive UI

Lets add the WalletModal component to your app.

Create a new OnchainKit app

npm create onchain@latest

Configure the OnchainKitProvider with modal settings:

    appearance: {
      name: 'Your App Name',        // Displayed in modal header
      logo: '',// Displayed in modal header
      mode: 'auto',                 // 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto'
      theme: 'default',             // 'default' or custom theme
    // configure the wallet modal below 
    wallet: {
      display: 'modal',       
      termsUrl: 'https://...', 
      privacyUrl: 'https://...', 

Add the <Wallet/> component

    <Avatar className="h-6 w-6" />
    <Name />
    <Identity className="px-4 pt-3 pb-2" hasCopyAddressOnClick>
      <Avatar />
      <Name />
      <Address />
      <EthBalance />
    <WalletDropdownDisconnect />

Wrap with Wallet Modal Context

Ensure that the Wallet Modal is globally accessible by wrapping your key UI components:

  <div className="my-10 flex justify-center">
        <Avatar className="h-6 w-6" />
        <Name />
        <Identity className="px-4 pt-3 pb-2" hasCopyAddressOnClick>
          <Avatar />
          <Name />
          <Address className={color.foregroundMuted} />
          <EthBalance />
        <WalletDropdownDisconnect />

You now have an interface to streamline user onboarding! The WalletModal component handles:

  • Smart wallet createion for new signups
  • Quick connection for existing wallets
  • Wallet connection states
  • Error handling
  • Mobile/desktop responsive behavior
  • Theme customization
  • Terms/privacy policy display

Why Smart Wallet for new signups?

In addition to providing a secure and feature-rich wallet experience, Smart Wallets provide a streamlined onboarding experience through account creation with Passkeys. This allows anyone to securely create a new wallet and begin transacting without ever leaving your app.


By integrating <WalletModal />, you offer a robust and user-friendly wallet onboarding experience. First-time users benefit from a seamless Smart Wallet creation flow, while returning users can quickly connect their wallets to get started with your onchain app.