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Inheritance Exercise

Create contracts that adhere to the following specifications.



Create an abstract contract called Employee. It should have:

  • A public variable storing idNumber
  • A public variable storing managerId
  • A constructor that accepts arguments for and sets both of these variables
  • A virtual function called getAnnualCost that returns a uint


A contract called Salaried. It should:

  • Inherit from Employee
  • Have a public variable for annualSalary
  • Implement an override function for getAnnualCost that returns annualSalary
  • An appropriate constructor that performs any setup, including setting annualSalary


Implement a contract called Hourly. It should:

  • Inherit from Employee
  • Have a public variable storing hourlyRate
  • Include any other necessary setup and implementation


Implement a contract called Manager. It should:

  • Have a public array storing employee Ids
  • Include a function called addReport that can add id numbers to that array
  • Include a function called resetReports that can reset that array to empty


Implement a contract called Salesperson that inherits from Hourly.

Engineering Manager

Implement a contract called EngineeringManager that inherits from Salaried and Manager.


You'll have to do a more complicated set of deployments for this exercise.

Deploy your Salesperson and EngineeringManager contracts. You don't need to separately deploy the other contracts.

Use the following values:


  • Hourly rate is 20 dollars an hour
  • Id number is 55555
  • Manager Id number is 12345


  • Annual salary is 200,000
  • Id number is 54321
  • Manager Id is 11111

Inheritance Submission

Copy the below contract and deploy it using the addresses of your Salesperson and EngineeringManager contracts.

contract InheritanceSubmission {
    address public salesPerson;
    address public engineeringManager;
    constructor(address _salesPerson, address _engineeringManager) {
        salesPerson = _salesPerson;
        engineeringManager = _engineeringManager;

Submit your Contracts and Earn an NFT Badge! (BETA)

Submit your address for your copy of the InheritanceSubmission contract that contains your other contract addresses.

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