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Thirdweb and Unreal - NFT Items

thirdweb provides a number of contracts and tools for building onchain. Their Gaming SDK enables seamless onboarding, cross-platform support, and provides many other features. It's compatible with Unreal Engine and can be used to enable onchain elements in your games.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to add NFT item usage on top of the demo game you build in their Unreal Engine Quickstart. Specifically, you'll use an NFT collection of random colors to change the color of the player's race car.

Color changing car nft


By the end of this tutorial you should be able to:

  • Pull a user's NFTs into an Unreal Engine Game
  • Apply elements from the NFT to game entities
  • Award NFTs to players for game accomplishments or actions


ERC-721 Tokens

This tutorial assumes that you are able to write, test, and deploy your own ERC-721 tokens using the Solidity programming language. If you need to learn that first, check out our content in Base Learn or the sections specific to ERC-721 Tokens!

Unreal Engine

This tutorial will cover everything you need to know to accomplish the learning objectives, but it won't teach you how to make a game. You'll need to take further steps to learn the Unreal Engine on your own. You'll also need to have Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code set up to edit and compile Unreal files.

Onchain Apps

The tutorial assumes you're comfortable with the basics of deploying an app and connecting it to a smart contract. If you're still learning this part, check out our tutorials in Base Learn for [Building an Onchain App].

Reviewing the Contract

In our tutorial for building a Simple Onchain NFTs, you can find an example of an ERC-721 NFT contract. It's an extension of the OpenZeppelin ERC-721 implementation. When a user mints, they're granted an NFT with a random color. The metadata is fully onchain, as is the svg image. The image is a simple 1024*1024 rect, with a fill of the randomly generated color.

If the user dislikes the color, they may shuffle it and the NFT will change to a new randomly-selected color.

These NFTs are not restricted for trading. The contract includes a utility function, getNftsOwned, which will return an array containing the tokenId and base64-encoded metadata string for all tokens currently owned by the provided address.

Getting Started with Unreal

Continue below for some tips on completing the Unreal Engine Quickstart tutorial provided by thirdweb. This tutorial will guide you through installing the Unreal Engine and setting up the major components of the thirdweb Gaming SDK.

It will also guide you through setting up the website and backend that are needed to support the game integration. The client in their example uses Next.js, and the server is built with Node and Express.

Setting up the Engine

First, you need to set up the Engine. For testing, you can run it locally with a Docker container.

If you need to, install or update Docker and Postgres.

Start Postgres:

docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres

Make sure Docker desktop is running.

Create a thirdweb API key. Allow localhost:3000 and localhost:8000 when creating your api key. When you deploy, you'll need to update the allowed domains.

The command to launch the engine itself is complicated and has many parameters. You'll want to create a file and run it from that. Create in a convenient location and add:

docker run \
-e ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD="<encryption_password>" \
-e THIRDWEB_API_SECRET_KEY="<thirdweb_secret_key>" \
-e ADMIN_WALLET_ADDRESS="<admin_wallet_address>" \
-e POSTGRES_CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable" \
-e ENABLE_HTTPS=true \
-p 3005:3005 \
--pull=always \
--cpus="0.5" \

Enter your THIRDWEB_API_SECRET_KEY and the wallet address you sign into thirdweb with as the ADMIN_WALLET_ADDRESS. You can see a full list of environment variables in the docs, but shouldn't need to set any others now.

Give your script permission to run with chmod +x ./ then run it with ./ .

It will take awhile to spin up, and you can ignore the warning about the Chain Indexer Listener not started....

Once the engine is running, navigate to https://localhost:3005/json. Click through the warning that the connection is not secure. Doing so allows your browser to connect to your engine instance.


We do not have an official browser recommendation, but during our testing, Chrome worked and Brave did not with the engine setup and configuration.

Navigate to the thirdweb engine dashboard, and click the Import button. Enter a name and the local address for your engine instance:

Add engine instance

Next, you must add your wallet to the engine instance. Open up the instance in the dashboard, then click the Import button next to Backend Wallets. Enter your secret key for the wallet.


Remember, the wallet key gives full access to all assets within any wallet. Use separate wallets for development and individual production tasks. Don't hold or fund a production wallet with any assets other than the minimum amount necessary for the task it is accomplishing.

Be sure to fund this wallet with Base Sepolia ETH. It will be paying the gas for transactions.


The key to your wallet is stored in ephemeral memory in the engine itself. You'll need to re-add it whenever you restart the engine.

Setting up the Client and Server

Clone the engine-express repo. CD into the client and server repos and run yarn to install dependencies, then CD back to root and run yarn again.

In both the client and server folders, copy or rename the .env.example files as .env.


In the client .env:

  • Set NEXT_PUBLIC_THIRDWEB_CLIENT_ID to the Client ID matching your thirdweb API key
  • You don't need to change the NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL

In the server .env:

  • Don't change the THIRDWEB_ENGINE_URL. (It is supposed to be https)
  • Set the THIRDWEB_ENGINE_BACKEND_WALLET to the same as you used in the engine setup
  • Set the THIRDWEB_AUTH_DOMAIN as localhost
  • Set the THIRDWEB_API_SECRET_KEY to the Secret Key matching your thirdweb API key
  • Set the THIRDWEB_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY to the private key matching your backend engine wallet

Open client/components/ThirdwebProvider.tsx. Update the activeChain to Base Sepolia.

import { BaseSepoliaTestnet } from '@thirdweb-dev/chains';

// This is the chainId your dApp will work on.
const activeChain = BaseSepoliaTestnet;


Open server/src/controllers/engineController.ts. Update the consts at the beginning to load from environment variables:

const ERC20_CONTRACT = process.env.ERC20_CONTRACT;
const CHAIN = process.env.CHAIN;

You'll need to deploy your own version of the Token Drop contract. Click Deploy Now, then enter the name, symbol, and image of your choosing.

Select Base Sepolia Testnet as the Network / Chain.

You can leave the Recipient Address as your connected address, and you don't need to do an advanced configuration.

Click Deploy Now, and approve the transactions to deploy the contract and add it to your dashboard.

Next, click the Claim Conditions tab on the left side nav. Then click the + Add Phase button and select Public. Review the options, but don't change any of them for this demo. Click Save Phases.


If later in the tutorial, you get an error when you attempt to claim a token, but not an error every four seconds failing to read the balance, it's because you missed this step.

Copy the address from the dashboard:

Token Airdrop Dashboard

Return to the .env for your server, and add:

ERC20_CONTRACT=0x... # Your Address
CHAIN=84532 # Base Sepolia

Run the client and server with yarn client and yarn server. Navigate to localhost:3000, create a user, and link a wallet.

Setting Up the Game

Clone the thirdweb Unreal Demo, and open it with the Unreal Editor. Do so by clicking the Recent Projects tab in the upper left, then Browse, in the lower right.

Open Unreal Project

Open the folder cloned from the repo and select unreal_demo.uproject. You may need to convert the project to the current version of Unreal. Click the Open a copy button.

When the scene loads, double-click Scene_Game in the upper-right corner.

Scene Game

Before you can play, you need to do some config. Scroll down in the Outliner until you find ThirdWebManager. Click the Open Thirdweb Manager button to open the file in your editor.

Open Thirdweb Manager

Then, click the green play button at the top of the viewport.

Play Button

Log in using the credentials you created on the website, and play the game for a minute or two. If you get a 404, check that your engine, client, and server are all still running.


The demo does not actually have a database connected for users. You'll need to recreate your user each time you restart the server. For production, you'll need to swap this out with an actual database.

If you get an error 500 "No configured wallet found with address 0xABCD....", it's because you didn't add your wallet in the thirdweb engine dashboard.

Otherwise, the game should run, and you should receive an ERC20 NFT every time you collect one of the orange orbs on the race track.

Adding the Color Changer

Your next goal is to make it so that your players can use their Random Color NFTs as skins on the race car. You'll need to deploy the contract provided below, set it up to be accessed via the server and engine, and finally, enable the colors from the NFTs to be used to change the color of the car.

Deploying the Contract

You'll use thirdweb's platform to deploy this contract as well. Open a new folder in your editor and run:

npx thirdweb create contract


  • Name the project - random-color-nft, or . if you run the script from the folder where you want the project
  • Select your preference of Forge or Hardhat
  • Name the NFT contract - RandomColorNFT
  • Select Empty Contract

Open contracts/Contract.sol and replace the contents with the contract provided below.

You'll need to import or install the OpenZeppelin contracts. You may also need to update the config for the development environment you're using to 0.8.24.

Run yarn build.

Select y to install the thirdweb package and wait for the script to complete.

Run yarn deploy.

If you haven't linked your device to your thirdweb account, the browser will open to a page asking you to make the connection. Do so now.

After the script runs for a moment, it will open the thirdweb dashboard with the deployment UI open. Select Base Sepolia Testnet as your network, then click the Deploy Now button. Sign the transaction and wait for the contract to deploy.

Adding the Contract to the Server

Copy the address for the contract to the clipboard and return to thirdweb-engine-express. Open server/.env and add:

RANDOM_COLOR_NFT_CONTRACT=<your contract address>

Open server/src/controllers/engineController.ts and add it there as well:


Now, using claimERC20 as a template, add a function to claimRandomColorNFT. It's identical, except the url, body, and error message are:

// Other code...
const url = `${ENGINE_URL}/contract/${CHAIN}/${RANDOM_COLOR_NFT_CONTRACT}/write`;
// Other code
const body = {
functionName: 'mintTo',
args: [user.ethAddress],
// Other code
res.status(400).json({ message: 'Error claiming RandomColorNFT' });

A better practice for production would be to make a more generalized function that can handle multiple requests to your contracts. We're skipping that for now to avoid needing to refactor the existing collectibles in the game.

Next, you need to add a route for this function. Open server/src/routes/engineRoutes.ts. Import claimRandomColorNFT and add a route for it:'/claim-random-color-nft', claimRandomColorNFT);

Collecting the NFT from the Game

Return to the Unreal Editor and open ThirdwebManager.cpp:

Open ThirdwebManager.cpp.

Similarly to what you did in the server, use the existing PerformClaim() as a template to add a function for PerformNFTClaim(). The only thing different is the name of the function and the URL:

HttpRequest->SetURL(this->ServerUrl + "/engine/claim-random-color-nft");

Again, it would be better practice to generalize this function, but you can skip that for now to avoid needing to update all the collectibles.

Next, you need to let the editor know about this new function. Open Source/unreal_demo/Public/ThirdwebManager.h. Add your new function under the one for PerformClaim();

// Function to perform the NFT claim operation
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Thirdweb")
void PerformNFTClaim();

Build your project

Once it's done compiling, return UnrealEditor. In the Outliner, open the folder for Collectibles and click Edit Collectible. In the new window, click File->Save As... and save a copy as CollectibleNFT.

Open the Content Drawer at the bottom, search for CollectibleNFT, and drag one into the scene. Find it in the Outliner and click Edit Collectible NFT.

Find the Perform Claim function call and replace it with Perform NFT Claim. Note that the Target is passed from Get Actor of Class.

Perform NFT Claim

You'll want to be able to tell this collectible apart, so click on the mesh for Collectible on the left side in the Component tree, then on the Details panel on the right, find the Materials section and change it to MI_Solid_Blue.

Click the icons at the top to Compile and save your asset.

From the content drawer, drag your asset into the viewport.

You should now see a blue orb floating where you placed it.

Make sure the orb is low enough to drive through, then run the game. Collect the orb, then verify on a block explorer that you received the NFT.

Tinting the Car

In the content browser, open All>Content>Vehicles>SportsCar>Materials. Right-click in an empty spot and select Material>Material Parameter Collection. Name yours NFT_MPS. Open the collection, click the + to add an item to Vector Parameters and create the color of your choosing. Bright red is a good option to make your change very visible.

Right-click in an empty spot again and select Create Basic Asset>Material. Name your new material M_NFT_Color. Open it by double-clicking.

Right-click on the graph and add a Collection Parameter node. In the Details panel on the left, select your NFT_MPS collection and pick the first vector for Parameter Name

Connect the output to the Base Color of M_NFT_Color, then save and close the editor.

Again in the content browser, right-click on the M_NFT_Color asset and select Create Material Instance. Name the instance MI_NFT_Color.

Navigate to the sports car mesh located in VehicleTemplate>Blueprints>SportsCar and double-click to open the SportsCar_pawn. Select the Mesh from the Components tree and you should see the car in the editor.

On the right side, change the Element 2 material to MI_NFT_Color. The car is now bright red. Radical! Take your newly red car for a spin.

Fetching the NFT Colors

Return to engine-express and open engineController.ts. Add a function to getNFTColors that uses the read endpoint to call the getNFTsOwned function.

export const getNFTColors = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { authToken } = req.body;
if (!authToken || !userTokens[authToken]) {
return res.status(400).json({ message: 'Invalid auth token' });
const user = userTokens[authToken];
try {
const url = `${ENGINE_URL}/contract/${CHAIN}/${RANDOM_COLOR_NFT_CONTRACT}/read?functionName=getNftsOwned&args=${user.ethAddress}`;
const headers = {
'x-backend-wallet-address': BACKEND_WALLET,
Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.THIRDWEB_API_SECRET_KEY}`,

const response = await axiosInstance.get(url, { headers: headers });

// TODO: Extract the color from the image

// TODO: Replace response
} catch (error) {
res.status(400).json({ message: 'Error getting NFT data' });

You'll also need to add this function to engineRoutes.ts:'/get-nft-colors', getNFTColors);

Return to engineController.ts.

Because Unreal doesn't support SVGs, you'll need to extract the color from your NFT metadata, and pass that to use in the material you created. Start by adding a type for the response, and for the JSON metadata:

type NFTData = {
tokenId: bigint;
metadata: string;

type JSONMetadata = {
name: string;
description: string;
image: string;

You'll also need helper functions to decode the base64 encoded metadata and SVG, then get the color from the SVG.

function getJsonMetadata(nft: NFTData) {
const base64String = nft.metadata.split(',')[1];
const jsonString = atob(base64String);
return JSON.parse(jsonString) as JSONMetadata;

function getColorFromBase64StringSVG(base64String: string) {
const base64Data = base64String.split(',')[1];
const svgString = atob(base64Data);
const color = svgString.match(/fill=['"](#[0-9a-fA-F]{6})['"]/);
return color ? color[1] : '#000000';

Use these to extract an array of colors and return it:

const nfts = any) => {
return {
tokenId: item[0],
metadata: item[1],

const metadata = NFTData) => getJsonMetadata(nft));
const colors = JSONMetadata) => getColorFromBase64StringSVG(m.image));

// Delete res.json(;

To test with Postman or similar, comment out the check for a valid authToken and hardcode in an address that you know has NFTs.

Getting the Colors into the Game

Return to the game in your code editor, and open ThirdwebManager.cpp and ThirdwebManager.h. As before, add a function to call and endpoint on your server. This time to retrieve the array of colors. You'll need to do a little more for this one to set an in-game variable for the colors.

First, you'll need to add a new multicast delegate type to handle the response in ThirdwebManager.h:

// ThirdwebManager.h
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnNFTColorsResponse, bool, bWasSuccessful, const TArray<FString> &, ResponseArray);

And expose it to the editor:

// ThirdwebManager.h
// This delegate is triggered in C++, and Blueprints can bind to it.
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Thirdweb", meta = (DisplayName = "OnNFTColorsResponse"))
FOnNFTColorsResponse OnNFTColorsResponse;;

Then, add the function to ThirdwebManager.cpp. It's similar, but instead hits the endpoint for the NFT color array and uses the response you just created. It also expects the response to be an array of strings instead of searching for a property called result:

// ThirdwebManager.cpp
void AThirdwebManager::GetNFTColors()
TSharedRef<IHttpRequest, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> HttpRequest = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest();
HttpRequest->SetURL(this->ServerUrl + "/engine/get-nft-colors"); // The endpoint to get the NFT colors
HttpRequest->SetHeader(TEXT("Content-Type"), TEXT("application/json"));

TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject = MakeShareable(new FJsonObject);
JsonObject->SetStringField("authToken", AuthToken);

FString OutputString;
TSharedRef<TJsonWriter<>> Writer = TJsonWriterFactory<>::Create(&OutputString);
FJsonSerializer::Serialize(JsonObject.ToSharedRef(), Writer);

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("OutputString: %s"), *OutputString);


HttpRequest->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindLambda([this](FHttpRequestPtr Request, FHttpResponsePtr Response, bool bWasSuccessful)
if (bWasSuccessful && Response.IsValid())
int32 StatusCode = Response->GetResponseCode();
if (StatusCode == 200)
TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> JsonArray;
TSharedRef<TJsonReader<>> Reader = TJsonReaderFactory<>::Create(Response->GetContentAsString());
if (FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(Reader, JsonArray) && JsonArray.Num() > 0)
TArray<FString> ResponseArray;
for (const TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>& Value : JsonArray)
FString StringValue;
if (Value->TryGetString(StringValue))
this->OnNFTColorsResponse.Broadcast(true, ResponseArray);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Get NFT Color response: %s"), *Response->GetContentAsString());
this->OnNFTColorsResponse.Broadcast(false, TArray<FString>());
FString ErrorMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("HTTP Error: %d, Response: %s"), StatusCode, *(Response->GetContentAsString()));
TArray<FString> ErrorArray;
this->OnNFTColorsResponse.Broadcast(false, ErrorArray);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("ErrorMsg: %s"), *ErrorMsg);
TArray<FString> ErrorArray;
ErrorArray.Add(TEXT("Failed to connect to the server."));
this->OnNFTColorsResponse.Broadcast(false, ErrorArray);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to connect to the server."));
} });


Finally, expose this function to the editor.

// ThirdwebManager.h
// Function to perform the get NFT Colors operation
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Thirdweb")
void GetNFTColors();

Compile and reload the project in the editor.

In the content browser, find and open Content>_Thirdweb>Blueprints>Canvas_HUD.

Under the text field for Tokens, drag a new Text widget in. Set the name at the top to Label_Colors and check Is Variable. Change the Content to Colors. If you put it on the right side, move the Anchor to the upper right corner.

In the upper right, click the Graph tab. Add a Sequence node to split the flow after Get Actor Of Class. Following the same pattern as the flow that gets the balance response, add one that gets the NFT colors.

Create the Bind Event to OnNFTColorsResponse node first, then create the Custom Event node from dragging from Event.

For now, simply grab the last color in the array and set it in the HUD. To get it, drag off the Response Array in OnNFTColorResponseReceived and add a Last Index node. Drag again from the Response Array and add a Get (Ref) node. Connect the output of Last Index to the Input of Get. From there, drag from the output of Get and add a To Text (String) node.

Drag out of the exec (white) connector of OnNFTColorResponseReceived and add a Branch and connect Was Successful to the Condition. For the True state, drag and add a SetText (Text). Right click and add a reference to Label Colors and drag it to the Target of SetText. Connect the Return Value of To Text (String) to In Text.

Finally, drag off Bind Event to OnNFTColorsResponse and add a Set Timer by Function Name node. Connect the Return Value of Get Actor Of Class to Object. Set the Function Name to GetNFTColors and the Time to 2.0.

You should end up with something like this:

Get NFT Colors

Compile the blueprint then run the game. You should see that last color in the array in the HUD, and you should see the full list printed in the console every two seconds.


If you have an error in your GetNFTColors function that prevents .Broadcast from being called, nothing in the NFT Colors branch of this blueprint will run, including printing to the console.

Changing the Color of the Car

Now that you have the colors, you can use them to change the color of your car! For now, you can just set the car to the last color, but on your own you'll want to add a UI widget to allow the player to pick their color.


If you really wanted to get fancy, you could modify the contract to emit an event containing the color of the newly-minted NFT, extract that from the receipt, and optimistically make it available to the player a few seconds earlier.

Unreal doesn't use hex colors, so you'll need to convert your hex string to a linear color and save it in the Material Parameter Collection you created earlier.

Converting the hex code with a blueprint is very complicated. Luckily, Unreal has a helpful community that has created many utilities, including a conversion function.


Copying and pasting code for a game engine isn't quite as dangerous as copying and pasting unknown smart contract code, but you're working at the intersection of these worlds. Be sure to review and make sure you understand anything you find online.

In the content browser, add a Blueprints>Blueprint Function Library called ColorUtils. In it, add a function called HexStringToColor.

Copy the code from the community site and paste it into the function. Connect the Hex String to Color node to the SET node attached to Make Array, then from SET to the Return Node.

Compile, and you'll get an error. Find and right-click on the error in the Hex Code node, then select Create local variable. Recompile and the error will resolve.

You also need to input the string you want converted. Select the Hex String to Color node and click the + button by Inputs located in the panel on the right. Name it hexString and give it a string type. Hex String will now appear as a value in the Hex String to Color node. Connect it to the Source String input in the Replace node.

Compile one last time, then save and close ColorUtils.

Return to Canvas_HUD and open the Graph. Drag out of the SetText node that adds the color to the HUD and add a Hex String to Color node. The function expects alpha values in the hex code. To add this connect a second output of the string array GET to an Append function and append ff in the B input. Connect the Return Value to the Hex String input in Hex String to Color.

Finally, add a Set Vector Parameter Value. Select NFT_MPS for the collection and Vector for the Parameter Name. Connect the Liner Color output of Hex String to Color to the Parameter Value input.

Hex to linear color

Compile, save, and close Canvas_HUD. Run the game. Your car will start red, but after the response from the server, it will turn the color of your last NFT! Drive and collect the NFT collectible, and it will change colors!


In this tutorial, you've learned how to set up Thirdweb's engine and use it to connect an Unreal Engine game to Base. You've also learned how to use their platform to deploy and manager your contracts. Finally, you've learned how to build game elements to allow players to collect new NFTs and use them to personalize their game items.

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