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Coinbase Smart Wallet with RainbowKit

The Coinbase Smart Wallet is a great way to onboard new users to onchain apps, and offers a number of experiential improvements to existing crypto users as well. As we're in a period of adoption and transition, a pain point has developed where a user with both the Smart Wallet and a browser-extension EOA can't always select the wallet they want while connecting to an app.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to improve that experience when using RainbowKit to connect your users to your app. An even easier development path can be found in our tutorial for using the Wallet component from OnchainKit, which uses RainbowKit under the hood.


By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Customize the list of Wallets in the RainbowKit connection experience

  • Give users the option to select the Coinbase Smart Wallet or EOA while connecting to your app with RainbowKit


Be familiar with modern, frontend web development

In this tutorial, you'll be working with a React frontend built with Next.js. While you don't need to be an expert, we'll assume that you're comfortable with the basics.

Possess a general understanding of the EVM and smart contract development

This tutorial assumes that you're reasonably comfortable writing basic smart contracts. If you're just getting started, jump over to our Base Learn guides and start learning!

Understand providers and connectors

You'll need to be familiar with how to connect an onchain app to the blockchain with a provider. If you're not, start with the Onchain App Development section of Base Learn, or at least complete the tutorial Introduction to Providers.

Coinbase Wallets

You need to have both the Coinbase Wallet and Coinbase Smart Wallet for this tutorial. You need to set up the Coinbase Wallet in advance, but you can create a smart wallet during the tutorial.

The Default Experience

Start a new project with the RainbowKit quick start. Install dependencies, run the project, and attempt to connect with a browser that has the Coinbase Wallet browser extension installed. Clicking on Coinbase will automatically connect with your EOA browser extension wallet.

Default Connection

What about the smart wallet? Isn't it supposed to work automatically?

It does, but only if the user does not have the browser extension installed. Open a private window with extensions disabled and try again. Now, you will be directed to use the smart wallet to log in.

Default Connection As mentioned above, this experience isn't bad for users of one type of wallet or the other, but it makes things difficult for users who are using both types of wallet and may want to choose one or the other when interacting with your app. It also might not be the listing or ordering of wallets you prefer.

Customizing the List of Wallets

To fix this UI/UX problem, you can create a custom wallet list. Open src/wagmi.ts:

As mentioned above, this experience isn't bad for users of one type of wallet or the other, but it makes things difficult for users who are using both types of wallet and may want to choose one or the other when interacting with your app.

Customizing the List of Wallets

To fix this UI/UX problem, you can create a custom wallet list. Open src/wagmi.ts:

  • Change the list imported networks to base and baseSepolia
  • Import connectorsForWallets from RainbowKit, instead of getDefaultConfig
  • Import the coinbaseWallet, and any other wallets you wish to support
  • Import http and createConfig from wagmi
import { http, createConfig } from 'wagmi';
import { base, baseSepolia } from 'wagmi/chains';
import {
} from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/wallets';
import { connectorsForWallets } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';

Next, use connectorsForWallets to create a list of wallets, organized in the groups you prefer. You'll need to get a projectId from WalletConnect if you don't have one already.

const connectors = connectorsForWallets(
groupName: 'Recommended',
wallets: [coinbaseWallet],
groupName: 'Popular',
wallets: [rainbowWallet, metaMaskWallet],
groupName: 'Wallet Connect',
wallets: [walletConnectWallet],
appName: 'Your App Name',

Finally, export your config using the connectors and networks you've selected.

export const config = createConfig({
chains: [base, baseSepolia],
ssr: true,
transports: {
[]: http(),
[]: http(),

Now, the connection experience contains the wallets in the order you selected!

Customized wallet list

Tuning the Coinbase Wallet Connection


If you've already connected with the site, the below won't work unless you clear site data! It will appear that the flag does nothing.

In Chrome: Developer Tools -> Application Tab -> Storage Tab -> Clear Site Data button In Firefox: Developer Tools -> Storage -> Right-click each item -> Delete All

With RainbowKit, you can force the connector to use the smart wallet or EOA with:

coinbaseWallet.preference = 'smartWalletOnly';


coinbaseWallet.preference = 'eoaOnly';

The default is:

coinbaseWallet.preference = 'all';

Set this line at the root level of the document, under the imports:

import { http, createConfig } from 'wagmi';
import { baseSepolia } from 'wagmi/chains';
import {
} from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/wallets';
import { connectorsForWallets } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';

coinbaseWallet.preference = 'all';

This setting exhibits the behavior you've observed before. If the EOA is present, it will be used. Otherwise, the Smart Wallet UI/UX will pop up.

You can use these settings to direct users of your app to your preferred use case, or tie it to a UI element to give them a choice.


The Coinbase Smart Wallet will support user-selected choice of which wallet to use very soon!


  • Import createConfig from wagmi
import { connectorsForWallets } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
import { createConfig } from 'wagmi';
import {
} from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/wallets';
import { base, baseSepolia } from 'wagmi/chains';


In this tutorial, you've learned how connect users to your app using RainbowKit. You've also learned how to customize the list of wallets, their groupings, and their ordering. Finally, you've learned how to manage your preference for your users to be able to use the Coinbase Smart Wallet or browser extension EOA.

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