Deploying a smart contract using Tenderly
This tutorial shows you how to set up a private environment for smart contract development on Base Network using Tenderly DevNets.
Learn how to configure a DevNet, use built-in tools for smart contract debugging, run transaction simulations to validate your fixes, and introduce a DevNet into your continuous integration.
Tenderly DevNets are a zero-setup environment for developing and testing smart contracts against production data. As a private replica of 30+ EVM networks, a DevNet environment allows you to instantly deploy, execute, and debug smart contracts. With an unlimited faucet, unlocked public accounts, and built-in debugging tools, you get full control over your environment while getting the latest network states. Additionally, you can integrate a DevNet RPC URL into your existing development and CI flows, automating setups with reusable and customizable YAML templates.
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:
- Create a DevNet with the most recent Base network states.
- Deploy, verify, and execute your contracts on a DevNet.
- Debug smart contracts instantly and optimize their gas usage.
- Use transaction simulations to validate fixes prior to deployment.
- Integrate a DevNet into your Continuous Integration (CI) to automate your testing.
1. Set up a Tenderly account
To begin developing on Tenderly, you must first set up an account. You can easily create one by visiting the registration page.
2. Install the Tenderly CLI
After setting up your account, you should install the Tenderly Command Line Interface (CLI). This will allow you to interact with your DevNet environments directly from your terminal.
Follow these instructions to install the Tenderly CLI.
3. Create a DevNet template
Before developing a smart contract, you must create a DevNet template via Tenderly.
Follow these steps to set up your DevNet template for Base Network:
Visit the Tenderly Dashboard.
From the lefthand menu, navigate to DevNets and click Create Template.
When prompted:
- Choose Base for your Network.
- Give your Base DevNet a unique Name.
- Click Create.
- Click Spawn DevNet, and that's about it - you've got your own private replica of Base Network.
4. Customize your DevNet environment
You can also use the YAML editor in DevNets to create reusable templates that allow you to configure your environment. As a "blueprint" for your DevNets, the reusable YAML templates enable you to quickly spawn your DevNets with preset configurations. You can use them to override on-chain data for wallets and contracts of interest with custom values, including balances
, erc20
, storage
, wallets
, and contracts
YAML Template Configuration
# Learn how to configure DevNet templates using YAML here:
version: v0
name: greeter
block-number: latest
visibility: TEAM
network-id: 8453
chain-id: 8453
block-gas-limit: 10000000
base-fee-per-gas: 1000000000
# contracts:
# - address: 0x395eD9ffd32b255dBD128092ABa40200159d664b
# bytecode: 0x123412341234123124123143
# balance: 100
# slots:
# - 0x3459054d09ae8631455b798b2b5d106e17bb4e68a39d2d2a935f5f1b7253988c: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
# - 0x3459054d09ae8631455b798b2b5d106e17bb4e68a39d2d2a935f5f1b7253988d: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
# wallets:
# - address: 0x395eD9ffd32b255dBD128092ABa40200159d664b
# balance: 100
# - private-key: 0x3459054d09ae8631455b798b2b5d106e17bb4e68a39d2d2a935f5f1b7253988c
# balance: 100
# storage:
# - address: 0x395eD9ffd32b255dBD128092ABa40200159d664b
# slots:
# - 0x1459054d09ae8631455b798b2b5d106e17bb4e68a39d2d2a935f5f1b7253988c: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
# - 0x2459054d09ae8631455b798b2b5d106e17bb4e68a39d2d2a935f5f1b7253988c: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
# - address: 0xabcde9ffd32b255dBD128092ABa40200159d665a
# slots:
# - 0x3459054d09ae8631455b798b2b5d106e17bb4e68a39d2d2a935f5f1b7253988c: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003
# balances:
# - address: 0x395eD9ffd32b255dBD128092ABa40200159d664b
# amount: 1000
# - address: 0x395eD9ffd32b255dBD128092ABa40200159d664b
# amount: 1000
# erc20:
# - contract: 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F # DAI
# balances:
# - address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
# amount: 100
display-name: Greeter
5. Set up Hardhat and add a DevNet RPC
Next, let's extend your HardHat environment by connecting it to a Tenderly DevNet. All transactions from your scripts and tests will be recorded for later viewing in the Tenderly DevNet Dashboard.
First, you must modify a code example to use the new DevNet you created.
The rest of this tutorial assumes you're either using the devnet-examples repository or that you have a Hardhat project set up with these dependencies included:
"@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox": "^2.0.2"
"@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers": "^2.2.3"
"@tenderly/hardhat-tenderly": "^1.7.7"
"ethers": "^5.7.2"
"hardhat": "^2.17.1"
First, download the example code from the Tenderly Github repo:
git clone
Navigate to the
directory (make sure@tenderly/hardhat-tenderly
is set to:"^1.7.7"
) and execute the following:cd local-development yarn install
Modify your
file by adding the items below:import {HardhatUserConfig} from "hardhat/config"; import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox"; import * as tdly from "@tenderly/hardhat-tenderly"; import * as dotenv from "dotenv"; dotenv.config(); tdly.setup({ **// TODO: Prefer manual over automatic verification** automaticVerifications: false, }); const config: HardhatUserConfig = { solidity: "0.8.18", defaultNetwork: "tenderly", networks: { **// TODO: Make sure this is named "tenderly" as it is here.** tenderly: { **// TODO: Add your Base DevNet RPC URL here (created during the spawn step)** url: 'PASTE RPC LINK HERE', chainId: 8453 // (Base ChainID) } }, tenderly: { **// TODO: Add your tenderly username (from the Dashboard)** username: "", **// TODO: Add your project name (from the Dashboard)** project: "", privateVerification: false } }; export default config;
Verify your smart contract
You can verify your smart contract on Tenderly using several methods. In this tutorial, we use the Tenderly Hardhat plugin method, but feel free to choose a different one if it better suits your project.
, add the following code after thegreeter.setGreeting()
.await greeter.deployed(); await greeter.setGreeting('hello'); // Add this await tenderly.verify({ name: 'Greeter', address: greeter.address, });
Also, make sure to update the Tenderly import at the top of the file as well.
import { ethers, **tenderly** } from "hardhat"; // Add tenderly
Deploy your smart contract:
npx hardhat run scripts/deployGreeter.ts --network tenderly
If successful, you should get an output similar to:
You can see the result of the deployment in this example on a publicly shared DevNet.
Test your smart contract to make sure there are no errors (It is always best practice to run the included tests).
Use Tenderly Debugger
Tenderly Debugger allows you to pinpoint the exact line of code causing an issue and speed up your debugging process. With Debugger, you can step through code and inspect stack traces, filter internal and external calls, see decoded events and logs, examine state changes, and more.
To use it, follow these steps:
- Open the Transaction tab in your DevNet.
- Click on the setGreeting transaction.
- Click Debugger.
- Click the Debugger button.
Notice the current line (line 14 in this example) is highlighted. Use Debugger to examine the setGreeting function.
Next, click the Evaluate button to evaluate complex expressions, global and local variables, functions, and other relevant parameters in a human-readable format.
To try it out, follow these steps:
- Click the Evaluate button.
- In the modal that appears, type
and see what is being passed into the setGreeting function call.
You should see the output {"result": "hello"}
Simulate transactions with updated contract source code
After detecting the exact cause of a bug, you can immediately try out a potential solution and make sure it works using Transaction Simulator. This feature allows you to simulate transaction execution against real-time and historical Base data, as well as any other supported network, without actually deploying it on-chain.
You can simulate transactions with updated contract source code and modified transaction parameters within your DevNet to see what would happen if the transaction got executed on Base Network. Running a transaction simulation with modified contract source code allows you to change compilation parameters, such as compiler version, optimization settings, or EVM version, to test your bug fixes.
Follow these steps to try it out:
- Click the New Simulation button.
- Then, from the Simulation screen, find the Select address drop-down menu and click Greeter.
- Click Edit Source.
- Modify the console.log to say
You changed the
to the console.log within SetGreeting in theGreeter.sol
smart contract and click the Apply button. - From the Select Option drop-down menu, select "Set Greeting."
- Change the greeting to something like,
Hello from Base!
- Click Simulate Transaction.
Notice the smart contract edit you made is now reflected in the console.log. In addition, you simulated transaction execution under this new condition of a modified smart contract.
Override the contract state
In addition, we can change the state of the contract before simulating a transaction. This is important because it allows you to mock contract states and execute highly specific simulation scenarios. Note that state overrides are valid for the simulation you're running. Subsequent simulations will be unaware of the state override.
To change the execution state, click on Simulator from the DevNet menu.
Click New Simulation.
Head over to State Overrides, select your contract, and assign a KEY and VALUE pair.
For KEY, enter
For VALUE, enter
Note: The VALUE is hex for
Hello from Tenderly.
You can get a generated hex value using a string-to-hex converter. -
Click Add.
Click Simulate.
Use DevNets in Continuous Integration (CI)
Production-level code requires constant testing and monitoring. You can integrate a Tenderly DevNet into your CI pipeline to generate a staging environment for precisely that purpose.
Follow along using the DevNet example project to set up a CI using GitHub Actions.
Clone the devnets-example project if you haven't already:
git clone
Install the Tenderly CLI if you haven't already. Follow the provided instructions to install the CLI.
Adapt the
with the following configuration, and replace???
with project slug, username, and a DevNet template Smart Contracts CI on: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - main jobs: build-and-test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: 16 - name: Install dependencies run: yarn install working-directory: ./CI-project # hardhat location - name: Install Tenderly CLI run: curl | sudo sh - name: Run tests run: yarn run test:devnet working-directory: ./CI-project # hardhat location env: TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY }} TENDERLY_PROJECT_SLUG: '???' # your project slug TENDERLY_DEVNET_TEMPLATE: '???' # your devnet template slug TENDERLY_ACCOUNT_ID: '???' # your username or organization name
You can find the DevNet template slug (needed for
) in the DevNets UI. Here is an example:Showing how to find TENDERLY_DEVNET_TEMPLATE
From your terminal, run the tests locally. The
script will spawn a new DevNet automatically and run tests against it.npx hardhat test:devnet
To test, change any file, commit, and push the changes. Any time you push a change, your Tenderly DevNet tests will execute.
Head over to your project repository on GitHub.
Click the Actions tab.
Note that you should now have a workflow run in progress. After the build finishes, you can see all the transactions in a DevNet run.
Congrats! In this tutorial, you've learned how to set up your own private replica of Base with Tenderly DevNets. You can now use it to instantly deploy, execute, and debug your smart contracts.
Plus, you can validate your fixes using transaction simulations before deploying them on-chain. Finally, you can integrate a DevNet environment into your CI flow to speed up and automate your testing process.
Further guidanceFor more information on the Tenderly full-stack infrastructure, check out the following resources: