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If you're new to Sub Accounts, check out the Sub Accounts Overview to learn more about how they work.

Creating Sub Accounts

After setting up your project with Coinbase Smart Wallet integration, the next step is implementing Sub Account creation. Sub Accounts allow your application to create wallet accounts that are linked to the user's main Coinbase Smart Wallet.

What you'll achieve

By the end of this guide, you will:

  • Configure the Coinbase Smart Wallet SDK to support Sub Account creation
  • Implement state management for tracking Sub Accounts in your application
  • Create a user interface that allows users to create a Sub Account on demand

Signer Choice

Currently p256 keys, ethereum addresses, and webauthn keys are supported as signer for Sub Accounts.

The Coinbase Smart Wallet SDK provides a browser key signer out of the box, which handles the creation and caching of signers for you. In this guide, we'll use the browser key signer to create a Sub Account.

Configuring the SDK for Sub Accounts

Include Sub Account configuration in your SDK initialization. In this react web app example, we are passing in getCryptoKeyAccount from the SDK for the subaccount.getSigner param when initializing the SDK in an React useEffect hook.

// app/context/CoinbaseWalletContext.tsx
import {
} from '@coinbase/wallet-sdk';
// Update the SDK initialization in useEffect
useEffect(() => {
  const coinbaseWalletSDK = createCoinbaseWalletSDK({
    appName: 'Coinbase Wallet demo',
    appChainIds: [],
    preference: {
      options: 'smartWalletOnly',
      keysUrl: '',
    subaccount: {
      getSigner: getCryptoKeyAccount,
}, []);

Adding Sub Account State Management

Next, extend your context to manage the state and functions needed to create and manage Sub Accounts.

// app/context/CoinbaseWalletContext.tsx
interface CoinbaseWalletContextType {
  // ... existing interface properties
  subAccount: Address | null;
  createSubAccount: () => Promise<Address | null>;
// update the CoinbaseWalletContext defaults
const CoinbaseWalletContext = createContext<CoinbaseWalletContextType>({
// ..existing defaults
  subAccount: null,
  createSubAccount: async () => null,
export function CoinbaseWalletProvider({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) {
  // ... existing state
  const [subAccount, setSubAccount] = useState<Address | null>(null);
  const createSubAccount = useCallback(async () => {
    if (!provider || !address) {
      throw new Error('Address or provider not found');
    const signer = await getCryptoKeyAccount();
    const walletConnectResponse = await provider.request({
      method: 'wallet_connect',
      params: [{
        version: '1',
        capabilities: {
          addSubAccount: {
            account: {
              type: "create",
              keys: [
                  type: "webauthn-p256",
                  signer: signer.account?.publicKey,
    }) as {
      accounts: {
        address: Address;
        capabilities: {
          addSubAccount: {
            address: Address;
    const { addSubAccount } = walletConnectResponse.accounts[0].capabilities;
    const subAccount = addSubAccount.address;
    return subAccount;
  }, [provider, address]);
  return (

Updating the UI

Now let's update your main page to include Sub Account creation, using the context you created in the previous step.

// app/page.tsx
'use client';
import { useCoinbaseWallet } from './context/CoinbaseWalletContext';
export default function Home() {
  const { isConnected, connect, disconnect, address, subAccount, createSubAccount } =
  if (!isConnected) {
    return (
        <button onClick={connect}>Connect Wallet</button>
  return (
    <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '1rem' }}>
      <p>Connected address: {address}</p>
      {!subAccount && <button onClick={createSubAccount}>Create Sub Account</button>}
      {subAccount && <p>Sub Account address: {subAccount}</p>}
      <button onClick={disconnect}>Disconnect Wallet</button>

Understanding Sub Account Creation

When a user clicks the "Create Sub Account" button, the following process occurs:

  1. The createSubAccount function is called
  2. A new browser key signer is generated using getCryptoKeyAccount()
  3. The wallet prompts the user to approve creating a new Sub Account
  4. After approval, the Sub Account is created and linked to the user's main wallet
  5. The Sub Account address is stored in our application state

The Sub Account is now ready to be used for transactions and message signing. In the next section, we'll cover how to interact with the Sub Account to perform these operations.

Next Steps

Continue to Using Sub Accounts to learn how to perform operations with your newly created Sub Account.