Base Builder Tutorials
Create a Basename Profile Component
🖊️ hughescoin
Dec 6, 2024
9 min read
Learn how to create a component that displays social media and profile information for a given basename.
Deploying a smart contract using Foundry
A tutorial that teaches how to deploy a smart contract on the Base test network using Foundry. Includes instructions for setting up the environment, compiling, and deploying the smart contract.
smart contracts
Deploying a smart contract using Hardhat
A tutorial that teaches how to deploy a smart contract on the Base test network using Hardhat. Includes instructions for setting up the environment, compiling, and deploying the smart contract.
smart contracts
Deploying a smart contract using Remix
A tutorial that teaches how to deploy a smart contract on the Base test network using Remix IDE. Includes instructions for setting up the environment, compiling, and deploying the smart contract.
smart contracts
Deploying a smart contract using Tenderly
A tutorial that teaches how to deploy smart contracts using Tenderly DevNets. This page covers setup, debugging, transaction simulations, and continuous integration for smart contract development on Base Network.
smart contracts
Deploying a smart contract using thirdweb
A tutorial that teaches how to deploy and interact with smart contracts using the thirdweb CLI and SDK. Includes instructions for project creation, contract deployment on the Base test network.
smart contracts
Gasless Transactions on Base using a Paymaster
🖊️ hughescoin
Feb 7, 2025
27 min read
Learn how to leverage the Base Paymaster for seamless, gasless transactions on the Coinbase Cloud Developer Platform.
account abstraction
Introduction to Providers
A tutorial that teaches what providers are, why you need one, and how to configure several providers and use them to connect to the blockchain.
Running a Base Node
🖊️ taycaldwell & wbnns
Feb 7, 2025
7 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to set up and run a Base Node.
Farcaster Frames: Building HyperFrames
A tutorial that teaches how to make cross-linked HyperFrames in an organized manner.
Coinbase Smart Wallet
Learn to create an app that uses the Coinbase Smart Wallet and effectively manages assets and permissions for both native and new users of onchain apps
Smart Wallet
Use the Coinbase Smart Wallet and EOAs with OnchainKit
Learn how to use OnchainKit to easily handle the Coinbase Smart Wallet and EOA wallets including the Coinbase wallet, at the same time.
account abstraction
Smart Wallet
Coinbase Smart Wallet with RainbowKit
Learn how to configure RainbowKit to elegantly handle the Coinbase Smart Wallet and EOA wallets including the Coinbase wallet, at the same time.
account abstraction
Smart Wallet
Farcaster Frames: Building an NFT airdrop Frame
A tutorial that teaches how to make a Farcaster Frame that allows you to mint and airdrop NFTs to users.
Farcaster Frames: Building a no-code minting Frame
A tutorial that teaches how to make a Farcaster Frame with an outbound link to an NFT minting website.
Farcaster Frames: Deploying to Vercel
A tutorial that teaches how to deploy a Farcaster Frame using Vercel.
Farcaster Frames: Gating content and creating redirects
A tutorial that teaches how to create Frames with more advanced behaviors such as gating content based on a user's follows, likes, or recasts, and creating redirect buttons.
Farcaster Frames: Making transactions
A tutorial that teaches how to invoke a wallet transaction from a Farcaster Frame.
Farcaster Cast Actions: Create a Simple Cast Action
A tutorial that teaches how to make a simple Farcaster cast action.
Create a Custom Themed Swap Component with OnchainKit
🖊️ hughescoin
Dec 6, 2024
6 min read
Learn how to implement a swap component with a custom theme using OnchainKit in your React application.
Create Onchain Subscription Payments with Spend Permissions
🖊️ hughescoin
Feb 7, 2025
15 min read
Implement a smart wallet signer for a subscription payment application.
account abstraction
Verify a Smart Contract using Basescan API
🖊️ hughescoin
Feb 7, 2025
12 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to verify a smart contract using Basescan APIs.
smart contracts
Simple Onchain NFTs
A tutorial that teaches how to make simple nfts that are procedurally generated and have onchain metadata and images.
Complex Onchain NFTs
A tutorial that teaches how to make complex nfts that are procedurally generated and have onchain metadata and images.
Signature Mint NFT
A tutorial that teaches how to create a signature mint, in which minters pay their own gas, but must first be given a valid signed authorization.
Building an onchain app using thirdweb
A tutorial that teaches how to build an NFT gallery app using thirdweb, including steps for creating an NFT collection, minting NFTs, and configuring the app for the Base testnet.
smart contracts
Thirdweb and Unreal - NFT Items
Learn how to use NFTs as in-game items using Thirdweb and Unreal.
smart contracts
Building dynamic NFTs
A tutorial that teaches how to make dynamic NFTs that evolve based on onchain or offchain actions.
Create Email Marketing Campaigns Onchain using Coinbase Smart Wallet + Resend
🖊️ hughescoin
Feb 7, 2025
21 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to create a mailing list and email customers using Resend
account abstraction
Gate IRL Events with Nouns
Learn how to gate entry to an IRL event for members of a Nounish DAO.
smart contracts
How to Mint on Zora with an App
Learn to use Zora contracts inside your app to create secure, efficient, and feature-rich minting experiences for your users.
smart wallet
Build a eCommerce App using Coinbase Commerce and OnchainKit
🖊️ hughescoin
Dec 6, 2024
10 min read
Learn how to integrate Coinbase Commerce payments into your application using OnchainKit.
account abstraction
Build a Smart Wallet Funding app with OnchainKit
🖊️ hughescoin
Feb 7, 2025
8 min read
Learn how to create an app that detects if a smart wallet has ETH and prompts users to add funds if needed.
Enable ERC-20 Gas Payments with Coinbase Paymaster
🖊️ hughescoin
Dec 6, 2024
11 min read
Learn how to enable ERC-20 tokens as gas payment options for smart wallets using Coinbase Paymaster, improving UX and onboarding for your onchain application.
How to Implement Base Paymaster into a Wagmi Project
🖊️ hughescoin
Feb 7, 2025
15 min read
A tutorial to create a Mint button for free NFT minting with Base Paymaster sponsorship
smart wallets
NFT minting
Wagmi integration
Account Abstraction on Base using Biconomy
A tutorial that teaches how to implement Account Abstraction into a Base project using Biconomy paymasters, bundlers, and smart accounts.
account abstraction
Account Abstraction on Base using Particle Network
A walkthrough on Particle Network's Modular Smart Wallet-as-a-Service, leveraging account abstraction and social logins across various providers.
account abstraction
Account Abstraction on Base using Privy and the Base Paymaster
🖊️ Brian Doyle and Aaron Hayslip
Feb 7, 2025
46 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to implement Account Abstraction into a Base project using Privy and the Base paymaster.
account abstraction
Hardhat: Debugging smart contracts
🖊️ Edson Alcala
Jul 19, 2024
15 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to debug your smart contracts using Hardhat.
smart contracts
Hardhat: Optimizing the gas usage of smart contracts
🖊️ Edson Alcala and Brian Doyle
Jul 11, 2024
16 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to optimize the gas usage of your smart contracts using Hardhat.
smart contracts
Hardhat: Optimizing the size of smart contracts
🖊️ Edson Alcala and Brian Doyle
Aug 14, 2024
22 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to optimize the size of your smart contracts using Hardhat.
smart contracts
Hardhat: Analyzing the test coverage of smart contracts
🖊️ Edson Alcala
Feb 7, 2025
9 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to profile the test coverage of your smart contracts using Hardhat and the Solidity Coverage plugin.
smart contracts
Foundry: Setting up Foundry with Base
🖊️ Edson Alcala
Sep 26, 2024
6 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to set up your development environment to work with Foundry.
smart contracts
Foundry: Testing smart contracts
🖊️ Edson Alcala
Jul 11, 2024
9 min read
A tutorial that teaches how to test your smart contracts using Foundry.
smart contracts
Add Frames to A Basename
🖊️ hughescoin
Feb 7, 2025
5 min read
Learn how to customize your Basename by adding Frames, showcasing dynamic content with ease on Base.
account abstraction
Sending messages and tokens from Base to other chains using Chainlink CCIP
A tutorial that teaches how to use Chainlink CCIP to perform cross-chain messaging and token transfers from Base Goerli testnet to Optimism Goerli testnet.
Sending messages from Base to other chains using LayerZero V2
A tutorial that teaches how to use LayerZero V2 to perform cross-chain messaging from Base Goerli testnet to Optimism Goerli testnet.
Deploy an Onchain App with Fleek
Learn how to deploy an onchain app using Fleek.
Convert Farcaster Frame to Open Frame using OnchainKit
🖊️ hughescoin
Dec 6, 2024
10 min read
Learn how to convert your Farcaster Frame to an Open Frame using Onchain Kit, enabling broader compatibility and usage.
Accessing real-world data using Chainlink Data Feeds
A tutorial that teaches how to use Chainlink Data Feeds to access real-world data, such as asset prices, directly from your smart contracts on the Base testnet.
Accessing real-time asset data using Pyth Price Feeds
A tutorial that teaches how to use Pyth Price Feeds to access real-time asset data, directly from your smart contracts on the Base testnet.
Generating random numbers contracts using Supra dVRF
A tutorial that teaches how to use Supra dVRF to serve random numbers using an onchain randomness generation mechanism directly within your smart contracts on the Base testnet.
Deploy a Shopify Storefront with Coinbase Commerce
🖊️ hughescoin
Sep 12, 2024
8 min read
Learn how to launch a Shopify storefront that uses Coinbase Commerce as a crypto payment gateway.
onchain summer