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ERC-721 Tokens Exercise

Create a contract that adheres to the following specifications.


Create a contract called HaikuNFT. Add the following to the contract:

  • A struct called Haiku to store the address of the author and line1, line2, and line3
  • A public array to store these haikus
  • A public mapping to relate sharedHaikus from the address of the wallet shared with, to the id of the Haiku NFT shared
  • A public counter to use as the id and to track and share the total number of Haikus minted
    • If 10 Haikus have been minted, the counter should be at 11, to serve as the next id
    • Do NOT assign an id of 0 to a haiku
  • Other variables as necessary to complete the task

Add the following functions.


As appropriate.

Mint Haiku

Add an external function called mintHaiku that takes in the three lines of the poem. This function should mint an NFT for the minter and save their Haiku.

Haikus must be unique! If any line in the Haiku has been used as any line of a previous Haiku, revert with HaikuNotUnique().

You don't have to count syllables, but it would be neat if you did! (No promises on whether or not we counted the same as you did)

Share Haiku

Add a public function called shareHaiku that allows the owner of a Haiku NFT to share that Haiku with the designated address they are sending it _to. Doing so should add it to that address's entry in sharedHaikus.

If the sender isn't the owner of the Haiku, instead revert with an error of NotYourHaiku. Include the id of the Haiku in the error.

Get Your Shared Haikus

Add a public function called getMySharedHaikus. When called, it should return an array containing all of the haikus shared with the caller.

If there are no haikus shared with the caller's wallet, it should revert with a custom error of NoHaikusShared, with no arguments.

The contract specification contains actions that can only be performed once by a given address. As a result, the unit tests for a passing contract will only be successful the first time you test.

You may need to submit a fresh deployment to pass

Submit your Contract and Earn an NFT Badge! (BETA)

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