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Onchain Registry API


  1. Users of this API can use the /entries and /featured endpoints to display Onchain Registry entries on their own surfaces
  2. If your team would like to use referral codes to point your users to entries, we recommend appending your referral code to the link provided in the target_url field
  3. If your team would like to filter entries based on where they are hosted or by creator, we recommend implementing logic based on the target_url and creator_name fields


GET /entries

This endpoint will display all Onchain Registry entries subject to any query parameters set below

Query Parameters

pagenumberThe page number (default 1)
limitnumberThe number of entries per page (default 10)
categoryarrayThe category or categories of the entries of interest
(Options: Games, Social, Creators, Finance, Media)
curationstringThe entry's level of curation
(Options: Featured, Curated, Community)


    "data": [
            "id": "7AsRdN8uf601fCkH1e084F",
            "category": "Creators",
            "content": {
                "title": "Based Project",
                "short_description": "Short description of this based project with max char count of 30",
                "full_description": "Full description of this based project with max char count of 200",
                "image_url": "",
                "target_url": "",
                "cta_text": "Mint",
                "function_signature": "mint(uint256)",
                "contract_address": "0x1FC10ef15E041C5D3C54042e52EB0C54CB9b710c",
                "token_id": "2",
                "token_amount": "0.01",
                "featured": true,
                "creator_name": "Base",
                "creator_image_url": "",
                "curation": "featured",
                "start_ts": "2024-06-25T04:00:00Z",
                "expiration_ts": "2024-07-29T00:00:00Z"
            "updated_at": null,
            "created_at": "2024-07-10T18:20:42.000Z"
            "id": "8fRbdN8uf601fCkH1e084F",
            "category": "Games",
            "content": {
                "title": "Based Project II",
                "short_description": "Short description of this second based project with max char count of 30",
                "full_description": "Full description of this second based project with max char count of 200",
                "image_url": "",
                "target_url": "",
                "cta_text": "Mint",
                "function_signature": "mint(uint256)",
                "contract_address": "0x1FC10ef15E041C5D3C54042e52EB0C54CB9b710c",
                "token_id": "1",
                "token_amount": "0.005",
                "featured": false,
                "creator_name": "Base",
                "creator_image_url": "",
                "curation": "community",
                "start_ts": "2024-06-25T04:00:00Z",
                "expiration_ts": "2024-07-29T00:00:00Z"
            "updated_at": "2024-07-11T18:20:42.000Z",
            "created_at": "2024-07-10T18:20:42.000Z"
    "pagination": {
        "total_records": 2,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "limit": 10

GET /featured

This endpoint will display a single Onchain Registry entry that is being actively featured


    "data": {
        "id": "7AsRdN8uf601fCkH1e084F",
        "category": "Creators",
        "content": {
            "title": "Based Project",
            "short_description": "Short description of this based project with max char count of 30",
            "full_description": "Full description of this based project with max char count of 200",
            "image_url": "",
            "target_url": "",
            "cta_text": "Mint",
            "function_signature": "mint(uint256)",
            "contract_address": "0x1FC10ef15E041C5D3C54042e52EB0C54CB9b710c",
            "token_id": "2",
            "token_amount": "0.01",
            "featured": true,
            "creator_name": "Base",
            "creator_image_url": "",
            "curation": "featured",
            "start_ts": "2024-06-25T04:00:00Z",
            "expiration_ts": "2024-07-29T00:00:00Z"
        "updated_at": null,
        "created_at": "2024-07-10T18:20:42.000Z"

Entry Schema

idstringUnique entry ID
categorystringThe category of the entry
(Options: Games, Social, Creators, Finance, Media)
titlestringThe title of the entry
short_descriptionstringShort version of the entry description (max 30 char)
full_descriptionstringFull version of the entry description (max 200 char)
image_urlstringURL of the entry's featured image
target_urlstringURL for the entry's desired user action
cta_textstringThis is the type of user action for the entry
(Options: Play, Mint, Buy, Trade, Explore)
function_signaturestringThe function signature associated with the desired user action on the entry's contract
contract_addressstringThe contract address associated with the entry
token_idstringThe token ID if this is an ERC-1155
token_amountstringThe price of the entry's desired user action
featuredbooleanA true or false based on whether the entry is actively featured
creator_namestringThe name of the entry's creator
creator_image_urlstringThe logo of the entry's creator
curationstringThe entry's level of curation

  • Featured - one entry per day with top placement
  • Curated - community entries being
  • Community - all other community entries
start_tsstringThe UTC timestamp that the entry is open to users
expiration_tsstringThe UTC timestamp that the entry is no longer open to users
updated_atstring || nullThe UTC timestamp that the entry was last updated (null if the entry has not been updated since creation)
created_atstringThe UTC timestamp that the entry was created

Terms & Conditions

We grant third parties a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use the Onchain Registry API solely for the purpose of integrating it into their applications or services. This license does not extend to any data or content accessed through the Onchain API, which remains the sole responsibility of the third party. By using the Onchain Registry API, third parties agree to comply with our license terms and any applicable laws and regulations as set forth in Coinbase Developer Platform Terms of Service. We make no warranties regarding the Onchain Registry API, and users accept all risks associated with its use. The Onchain App Registry API is an Early Access Product per Section 18 of the Coinbase Developer Platform Terms of Service and the Coinbase Prohibited Use Policy, and all terms and conditions therein govern your use of the Onchain Registry API.