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Quick Start: Deploy on Base

Welcome to the Base deployment quickstart guide! This comprehensive walkthrough will help you set up your environment and deploy smart contracts on Base. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this guide has got you covered.

What You'll Achieve

By the end of this quickstart, you'll be able to:

  • Set up your development environment to deploy on Base
  • Deploy your smart contracts to Base
  • Connect your frontend to your smart contracts

Set Up Your Development Environment

  1. Create a new project directory
mkdir my-base-project && cd my-base-project
  1. Install Foundry, a powerful framework for smart contract development
curl -L | bash

This installs Foundry and updates it to the latest version.

  1. Initialize a new Solidity project
forge init

Your Foundry project is now ready. You'll find an example contract in the src directory, which you can replace with your own contracts. For the purposes of this guide, we'll use the Counter contract provided in /src/Counter.sol

Configure Foundry with Base

To deploy your smart contracts to Base, you need two key components:

  1. A node connection to interact with the Base network
  2. A funded private key to deploy the contract

Let's set up both of these:

1. Set up your node connection

  1. Create a .env file in your project's root directory
  2. Add the Base network RPC URL to your .env file
  1. Load your environment variables
source .env

2. Secure your private key

  1. Store your private key in Foundry's secure keystore
cast wallet import deployer --interactive
  1. When prompted enter your private key and a password.

Your private key is stored in ~/.foundry/keystores which is not tracked by git.

Deploy Your Contracts

Now that your environment is set up, let's deploy your contracts to Base Sepolia.

  1. Use the following command to compile and deploy your contract
forge create ./src/Counter.sol:Counter --rpc-url $BASE_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --account deployer

Note the format of the contract being deployed is <contract-path>:<contract-name>.

  1. After successful deployment, the transaction hash will be printed to the console output

  2. Copy the deployed contract address and add it to your .env file

  1. Load the new environment variable
source .env

Verify Your Deployment

To ensure your contract was deployed successfully:

  1. Check the transaction on Sepolia Basescan.
  2. Use the cast command to interact with your deployed contract from the command line
cast call $COUNTER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "number()(uint256)" --rpc-url $BASE_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL

This will return the initial value of the Counter contract's number storage variable, which will be 0.

Congratulations! You've deployed your smart contracts to Base Sepolia!

Next Steps

  • Use Onchainkit to connect your frontend to your contracts! Onchainkit is a library of ready-to-use React components and Typescript utilities.
  • Learn more about interacting with your contracts in the command line using Foundry from our Foundry tutorial.