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Storage Exercise

Create a contract that adheres to the following specifications:


Create a single contract called EmployeeStorage. It should not inherit from any other contracts. It should have the following functions:

State Variables

The contract should have the following state variables, optimized to minimize storage:

  • A private variable shares storing the employee's number of shares owned
    • Employees with more than 5,000 shares count as directors and are stored in another contract
  • Public variable name which stores the employee's name
  • A private variable salary storing the employee's salary
    • Salaries range from 0 to 1,000,000 dollars
  • A public variable idNumber storing the employee's ID number
    • Employee numbers are not sequential, so this field should allow any number up to 2^256-1


When deploying the contract, utilize the constructor to set:

  • shares
  • name
  • salary
  • idNumber

For the purposes of the test, you must deploy the contract with the following values:

  • shares - 1000
  • name - Pat
  • salary - 50000
  • idNumber - 112358132134

View Salary and View Shares


In the world of blockchain, nothing is ever secret!* private variables prevent other contracts from reading the value. You should use them as a part of clean programming practices, but marking a variable as private does not hide the value. All data is trivially available to anyone who knows how to fetch data from the chain.

*You can make clever use of encryption though!

Write a function called viewSalary that returns the value in salary.

Write a function called viewShares that returns the value in shares.

Grant Shares

Add a public function called grantShares that increases the number of shares allocated to an employee by _newShares. It should:

  • Add the provided number of shares to the shares
    • If this would result in more than 5000 shares, revert with a custom error called TooManyShares that returns the number of shares the employee would have with the new amount added
    • If the number of _newShares is greater than 5000, revert with a string message, "Too many shares"

Check for Packing and Debug Reset Shares

Add the following function to your contract exactly as written below.

* Do not modify this function. It is used to enable the unit test for this pin
* to check whether or not you have configured your storage variables to make
* use of packing.
* If you wish to cheat, simply modify this function to always return `0`
* I'm not your boss ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
* Fair warning though, if you do cheat, it will be on the blockchain having been
* deployed by your wallet....FOREVER!
function checkForPacking(uint _slot) public view returns (uint r) {
assembly {
r := sload (_slot)

* Warning: Anyone can use this function at any time!
function debugResetShares() public {
shares = 1000;

Submit your Contract and Earn an NFT Badge! (BETA)


Hey, where'd my NFT go!?

Testnets are not permanent! Base Goerli will soon be sunset, in favor of Base Sepolia.

As these are separate networks with separate data, your NFTs will not transfer over.

Don't worry! We've captured the addresses of all NFT owners on Base Goerli and will include them when we release the mechanism to transfer these NFTs to mainnet later this year! You can also redeploy on Sepolia and resubmit if you'd like!

Please connect your wallet.
If you need a wallet, you can get the Coinbase Wallet here.
You can also use MetaMask and other popular wallets.
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